dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Jungle cat Peru

This big poser was sitting on a porsch in the jungle between cusco and agua calitentes, better known as the start place for Machu Pichhu.
The lovely red cat was also not shy and wanted our full attention and climbed all over us. It's so nice to meet all those lovely critters all over the world!

zondag 21 juni 2015

Kennedy park kittens

Kennedy Park kittens
So imagen walking around in a big city where you would think there will be all kinds of vermin or just bugs everywhere, Like in every big city.
And then you walk into a park and you run into a big ammount of kittens! Apparently a long time ago they wanted to get ride of the vermin and they got the cats to get them away. Which worked. But also people just dumped their cats there.
Nowadays a big group of vollunteers are giving these cats their lovely food and when there is money left over they get medicine and even get sterilized. So there won't be many many more kittens (although they are very cute.. It's just better to sterilize your cat)

Anyways, these cats stole our hearts and we would love to give a shout of to the awesome vollunteers and all the other people who help to support! And ofcourse to all the travellers who are coming around with extra food and money to help the cats!

If you want to help them out or anything find them on Facebook at Kennedy park kittens!


Wait!! I'm not ready! said this little girl wondering in Miraflores in Lima.

She was just chilling between the stalls and people who were eating untill I wanted to make a photo of her. She tought I wanted cuddles, till I waved around my camera. This girl actually walked back a few steps. Sad down, tilted her head and looked cute! Best cat picture so far on the road.

vrijdag 16 januari 2015


Roaming on the Streets of Amsterdam.. And you can run into this guy.. Between the canals he was chilling in his box.. Like everywhere in the Netherlands there are loads of cats everywhere.. So maybe that's why there are so many cat lovers in the Netherlands

Old cat at St. Brigittine monastery Oregon USA

When travelling in Oregon we went to the Monastery of St Brigittine.
We went there because they have a killer taffee. Which the monks make by themselves

Then I ran into this old guy. He was just chilling in the scrubs, probably waiting for his food!

Do you see him standing on the pavement?
He's not the most pretty cat around.. But I think he deserves a blog about him!

Cats in Georgia, Tbilisi

In June 2014 we went to Georgia and we saw loads of stray cats everywhere.. And this guys got our attention.. He was chilling in the Streets of Tbilisi and he has the most awesome facial expresions.

We also found a woman with loads of cats around her. She had no money but she was looking after them even when she had no money. She slept in a tent, in the middle of the city centre.. And we were heartbroken en gave her some money. Sometimes I doubt if that is a good thing, giving money to the homeless.. But this one was actually caring about them and just having them to make the story extra sad and gain more money for herself.
As we went further in the country we didn't meet that much more cats.
And if you want to have a look into our pics of Georgia check my hubby's flickr

The start of crazy cat lady stories

Hey guys,

I'm starting this blog, because I got thousands of cats pics from almost all over the world and I want to share them with people, so I thought why not here..

So the first ones are made just in my house and they are 2 of my 3 cats Raffles and Rufus. They are 2 big boys who think they rule the world (at least our house)..

So enjoy this picture